Oi China 2019 Conference Programme - Call for Abstracts

Developed with government and industry associations, the Oceanology International China Conference will connect the latest marine science and ocean technology solutions with China’s rapidly developing coastal and offshore energy & marine industries. The conference will consist of presentations on the latest R&D projects, technology developments, applications and best practices for marine science and engineering. Oi China’s 2019 community of providers and buyers of marine technology and services are interested in hearing case studies and best practice, of marine technology and science under the following topics:  

Unmanned Vehicles

  • Surface systems – Applications and developments in
  • Underwater/subsea systems – Applications and developments in
  • Autonomy and/or collaboration between unmanned systems
  • Applications for the offshore wind, oil and gas or marine aquaculture operations

Ocean ICT

  • Novel systems for the management and use of ever increasing amounts of ocean data
  • Technology required to acquire and safely transmit data offshore
  • New platforms or novel applications of managing, analysing and storing large data bases for both real time feedbacks into projects or for future use
  • Application of 5G technology in ocean communication data transmission

Ocean Observation and Sensing

  • Developments in sensors, instrumentation and measurement tools and techniques
  • Ocean observing systems design, methods and operations
  • New platforms or novel applications of platforms for ocean observing
  • Early warning systems for coastal monitoring and protection

Navigation, Positioning and Hydrography

  • Developments in tools and techniques
  • Latest technologies on and below the sea surface

If you would like to submit an abstract for consideration for a 20 minute presentation at Oi China 2019, please submit ~300 words using the following contact details below by Friday, August 16th 2019.

Abstracts and any questions should be submitted in:

English to: Dominic Coyne: [email protected]


Mandarin to: Penny Pei: [email protected]

Abstract Guidance

l  Your abstract should provide a detailed description of the proposed presentation, the technical aspects to be discussed and any results/conclusions that will be shared. 

l Please indicate which topical area you will be submitting your abstract to from the options listed above.

l  Please include the presenter’s first & last name, job title, company, email and phone number.

l  Only abstracts of a technical nature will be accepted, while overtly commercial or salesy submissions may be rejected.

l  Applicants will be informed in August, on the success of their submission and presentations will be required by Friday, November 1st 2019.

l  Oi China 2019 is open to all presenters, however speakers will be required to cover their own expenses related to travel, catering and accommodation for attending the event.

l  The conference is bilingual with simultaneous translation provided from Mandarin to English and visa versa during the presentations.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.